Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rage from the grave

The memoirs of a former Federal Parliamentary Labor Leader have been set the media ablaze. Mark Latham headed the party at the previous Federal Election (2004), resigning three months later in a pique of recrimination, some of it, no doubt, brought on by ill health.

Latham was an interesting politician, candid, full of ideas and visions, if you like. But he was never really in control of himself, lacked discipline at critical junctures and seemed not, if reports are correct, to have been a team player.

At best, his memoirs seem ill judged and, if the adage about revenge is to be believed, has served his so-called opponents a very hot dish indeed. At worst it is a dummy spit of Olympian size, belittling both the man and his party and handing a free kick to the Government.

Biting the hand that has fed you is not an edifying site. Latham probably has some legitimate gripes about loyalty and performance, but this ungracious effort demonstrates one clear fact. He is a man who had no business trying to become Prime Minister.

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