Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Brush cutting.

Yesterday, I heard the American President tell a group of wounded US soldiers that he had something in common with them. He has been 'wounded' by a brushcutter (called whipper snippers here) whilst cutting brush on the ranch, but in the end, had triumphed over it.

I keep waiting for this man to show a glimmer of talent, or Presidential gravitas, or even plain old common sense. I keep wondering if he really is as inept as he first appeared in those debates five years ago, whether there was any depth beneath the swaggering one-liners and simplistic notions. I confess I'm disappointed that nothing has emerged to contradict my initial opinion that Bush is unequal to the task of leading anything, let alone the world's most powerful nation. More Americans, it seems, are finally coming around to this view.

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