Thursday, July 13, 2006

chopstick blues

Tom reached his fourth month today and he celebrated with a lot of grumpiness and a huge poo. The latter threatened to engulph his nappy and the sofa, like some massive typhoon, and he grinned with self-satisfaction and the ensuing mess he had made. I suppose this kind of information is really of interest only to new or newish parents.

After much effort, we still havent recruited any new students lately. Its a fact that leaves us wondering whether Sanda is just English-schooled out. There are so many small and large competitors now that students can shop around. Theoretically, market forces should dictate that the best schools survive, but this ignores the fact that the biggies can pour a lot of money into advertising and making their premises modern and attractive. We are both thinking that if matters don't improve by Christmas, then we will have to reconsider our options, as they say. But I do expect things to get better for us.

The World Cup is over and the undeserving Italians have their mitts all over the trophy. Italy played really well in only one game, against the Germans. The rest of the time they were content to play a kind of waiting game behind packed defences, a game replete with time waisting, diving and negativity. I hope that Fifa can make some rule changes that challenge this kind of play. Perhaps making the goals a little wider, having video replays for incidents in the box and acting coaches on the sidelines to watch for ham performances would help.

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