Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Tango-Hanto Tango

Our first family holiday ever (!) was to the Tango-Hanto peninsula on the Japan sea. Miwa kindly booked us a ryoukan ('Crab Heaven') in Amino, a typical seaside village The lure of the beach was just too much so we stripped down at Kizu and headed for the, er, surf, such as it was. The following day was spent almost exclusively at Kotobikki, one beach around from our ryoukan. Golden sand, clean water and happy families. What a joy to see the Japanese at play!

And really, apart from the quaint floaty devices (such as Winnie the Pooh tyres), the beach experience here is pretty much the same as that in Australia. Everyone stripped down to the essentials, everything on show. No pretention. I don't know if it carries the equivalent psychological adjustment as it does back home, I mean, that egalitarian booster that comes from being at the beach. Perhaps these days it lasts only as far as the carpark and the BMW. I don't know.

Yesterday, still feeling a little sunburnt, we trecked home slowly via Ine ( a gloriously cute fishing village on the Tango coastline) and Amanohashidate (one of the 'three beautifuls'), where we ascended the funicular for the view. I still think the sand bar puts me in mind of Abe Lincoln's beard. Or something else.

summer ascensions
my son's skin red with heat,
long line of pines, blinking.

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