Saturday, September 23, 2006


The furor over Pope Benedicts recent speech has barely abated, despite the Pontiff's apology. Anyone wishing to comment on the matter would be well advised to read the text of the speech, which I did a a couple of days after the 'story' broke. It might be argued that the Pope should have used a differnt example to illustrate his point, though it seems that the choice of material may have been the result of the recent translation of the the 14th century text. So in spite of its medieval origins, it was, hot off the press, so to speak. And the Pontiff, after all, is a theologian, interested, no doubt, in the arcane and obscure.

The resulting hysteria (for there is no other word for it), shows that, at best, Islam has a problem. It has a probem with criticism, whether intended or not. It has a problem, common at to all reliogions at some stage, with extremism amongst some of its adherents. It has an ongoing problem of image amomgst many many people in the non-muslim world. The bad behaviour of the few has tarnished the majority.

Some of the problems that we see today have resulted from aspects, residual or otherwise, of Western imperial policy in the past. Some of the perceived slights have resulted from recent (and often unwise) Western interventions in the Middle East today. The Israeli/Palestinian imbroglio is a continuing sore in a wounded region. Having said that, the only way for Islam to mend its fence is through self-help - by the actions of its own believers. Somehow, through whatever efforts and collaborations possible, it must reign in those fanatics who claim to represent the faith, and demonsrate through actions, and not just protesting words, that it is a faith of peace. Does this mean eschewing excuses and ceasing to look for scapegoats? Yes. Will it mean a better deal for people of the Islamic faith and the wider world. I hope so.

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