Sunday, August 09, 2009


During the week I saw my psychologist for my once-a-month maintenance (as she puts it) and the conversation turned to values. I found myself stumped by the fact that I wasn't able to clearly articulate what my values were. Maybe I was just tired but it was disturbing none the less. I hang my hat on what I consider a bunch of core beliefs. Now, of course, beliefs are not the same as values though they may intersect thematically at times or share common properties, though they won't ordinarily be expressed similarly. So, I have been giving some thought to what my values are. Here goes.

I value honesty and a commitment to tell the truth. I understand that complete honesty is difficult at all times (if, for no other reason, not to hurt people's feelings)and is not black and white issue.
I value faithfulness in a committed relationship, being the understanding and resolve in thought and deed to commit emotionally and physically to that one person. Not easy, but worth it, in my estimation.
I value creativity.
I value loyalty, not to brands, but to significant others in one's life.
I value self-reliance and the capacity and will to self-change(and I'm not talking about Botox or plastic surgery).
I value authenticity.
I value kindness.

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