Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's difficult being in the company of other parents sometimes. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable but I tend to fall, most times, for the old mind-reading error. I'm guessing that they are thinking 'Oh, there's David, the poor guy whose wife left him.' Naturally enough, no-one is thinking any such thing as everyone is pretty much preoccupied with their own thoughts and some are probably doing their own special blend of mind-reading.

It's a sure thing that we all do it, tending to denigrate ourselves and elevate others. Or guess what they are thinking. Maybe it's biological, a kind of self-defence mechanism from the mists of human existence. But it serves no good purpose in modern exchange.

Nadia is staying with her cousin Bianca in town and I find my thoughts drifting towards her, wondering what she is doing, saying and thinking. I don't mean anything bad by it, but I guess it's just one more proof, if any more were needed, that I am still in love and missing her. My thoughts and prayers are only ever for her being supported, being loved and finding whatever happiness she can. If that is without me, as seems likely, then so be it.

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