Saturday, January 17, 2015

I like a good affirmation. And on the whole, I like positive people, by which I mean, those who adopt a sunnier outlook on life when conditions seem to warrant a more downcast demeanour. People who have a more sanguine take on experience are often kinder and more tolerant, and tend to be better company too, though not always. Positive thinking has a proper role in psychology and in life in general, if only we can remember the wise words we read the night before.

But I am not especially in favour of the snake-oil version of positivity that dominates much social media, especially Facebook. Some of this is in the magical thinking category, whilst other contributions are so obvious or platitudinous as to make anyone with any self-respect weep. There is a lot of inspiring material in the world, but the sample below is not.

It is bollocks parading itself as wisdom.

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