Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter this year, which runs concurrently with the Term 1 school holidays, is a feast of sunny autumnal weather. Easter, of course, is far more important than just a sunny day or a falling leaf. It's significance though, has been relentlessly reduced by consumerism, a doctrine that eats at the heart of anything deep or mysterious. The chocolate substitute is but a symptom of the malaise.

The Thai Festival, Songkran, has also just finished. Ann and I went to Wat Buddharangsee on Saturday, ostensibly to celebrate the event. In Thailand, Songkran is a time when the Thai people deluge themselves and others in water, for April is a hot month and throwing water is fun. There is a serious meaning behind it, of course, and you can google it if you like. The service over, we all retired to the forecourt of the Wat for a milder water ceremony, in which cups of water were gently poured over a golden buddha, then through the hands of the monks and a group of senior citizens.

Still on matters Thai, my English classes at the Thai Welfare Association resumed three weeks ago. It is heavy going for me with different levels of "beginner" and uneven attendances, but I know I'll get it right with time and practice. I am not a born teacher - I have to work at it.

Last week I took Tom and a friend, Eddie, to the Royal Easter Show at Homebush. It's a great event and I'd like to go by myself sometime so I can wander through the exhibition pavilions and generally meander. Going with kids means sideshow alley, more sideshow alley and then the show bags.

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