Saturday, May 20, 2017

What are we to make of Trump? From a distance, it seems that we have a man who is not only uniquely unsuited to the office of the President, but also a deeply flawed individual. It is hard to know where to start. Trump appears to be inept at every turn. He is unable to shut his mouth when clearly he should, he is a braggart, he is uninformed and apparently uninterested in finding out. He is totally inconsistent and happy to hang his team out to dry.

I mean no ill-will to the fellow, but surely he is out of his depth. The scandals piling up like a freeway accident are not of anyone's making but his own. He can blame the media, Hillary Clinton, Republicans, Democrats, Mexicans, really, whoever he likes, but in truth, it is his own incompetence and lack of self-awareness (or depth at any level you choose to name) that is driving the shambles.

Can it get any better? Only if Trumps learns from mistakes and makes changes to himself. Can that happen? There is no evidence to suggest that it might or that Trump has any idea that he needs to change. We may look back, if we are lucky, and see this as a sui generis moment. But money and power have an unhappy knack of being found in the same place, so maybe this is a sign of things to come.

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