Thursday, October 19, 2017

My last post on this subject. This old and fairly poor quality photo of the same shops dates from the late 1960's when the corner shop was a milk bar! Even on family trips through the Mountains during that period, I can't recall it ever being this kind of business. My memory of this shop was its use as a tea room and sometime "old wares" emporium known as Patricia Patience, as in the previous post.

The Australian milk bar was thriving back then, though it is very rare to find one now, except perhaps in country towns. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a milk bar sold milkshakes, lollies, snacks, chocolate, newspapers and sometimes fast food like hamburgers or hot chips. Patrons could sit on booth-like seating. They were a very social aspect of suburban life which sadly have been replaced by unappealing and anonymous fast food joints.

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