Sunday, June 30, 2019

Friendships can last a lifetime, even if they are disrupted by a decade or so of absences. Such is it with Wayne and me, the years not diminishing the alliance first established before the Moon Landings. Those formational childhood and teenage years stay with us, often defining the long lines of our later lives. I think Wayne and I must have worn grooves in the road in front of our respective houses (which neighboured each other) from daily kicking a ball to each other, and the divots in the grass at our local park from soccer, golf, rugby, cricket and forcings-back were testimony to our intense sports activity.

Sometime after high school we began to go our separate ways, my moving to Western Sydney for work, the romantic relationships we pursued, the nature of our jobs, creating divergences. Personally, I think my friend made the wiser choices. He seemed to know what he wanted in life sooner than me. It's not something I can account for.

Last night at his 60th birthday gig, there was no need for apologies over the gaps. It was as if they never existed at all.


"We bid each other farewell beside the hill,
As day meets dusk, I close the wooden gate.
Next year, in spring, there will be green grass again,
But will my honoured friend return?"

Wang Wei

Well, yes, I think that he will.

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