Monday, July 08, 2019

I am not often astonished by many things these days, at least not in the human realm, but watching a few Youtube videos yesterday, I was astounded as if for the first time. At first I thought that I was watching a hoax channel, or maybe even very poor satire, but delving further I found the material presented was in fact, deadly serious in intent. You see, there really are people who believe that the Earth is flat.

I am not sure what happened to these poor folk at primary school, then later at high school, when earnest teachers tried their best to teach science to them. Maybe they didn't pay attention, or perhaps the insane root was consumed at a later time. But at some stage, reason was taken prisoner and a strange madness descended. It is no coincidence that some of these people do not believe in the moon landing, that it was a hoax, perpetrated for what reason, no-one can fathom. Similarly NASA, who is characterised in the most machiavellian terms by these radical sceptics, is responsible for maintaining the illusion that the Earth is a globe.

Sure this is a very small band of lunatics who operate in an evidence-free environment. But the few can become the many, such are the dynamics of modern communication. That is the very material for building a new dark age, in which the truth is an entirely subjective matter. Heaven help us if the ignorant are holding the matches.

Seems plausible.

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