Monday, November 18, 2019

I read on CNN yesterday that the flat-earth theory (surely bollocks -ed.) is spreading around the world, mainly through social media. At first I took these folks being out to take the piss, as they say. To be contrarian for its own sake, the set the cat amongst the pigeons, this can bring joy to some. They get a rise out of seeing the incredulity that their arguments evoke.

But no, they are deadly serious and have a long list of arguments to bolster their woeful cause. These are similar to the kinds of arguments used by the Moon-landing hoax people (it will come as no surprise that these groups have overlapping membership) and rely heavily upon misrepresentation, feeble reasoning and a healthy dose of conspiracy theorism. There is no point in having a discussion, even at a primary school level, with them. Their minds are closed, they have the truth.

If ever we live in wayward times, this is one of the proofs.

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