Tuesday, December 03, 2019

I know quite a few smart people, even some who come close to being brilliant. But I have to say, for a mixture of practical and theoretical knowledge, it is hard to find better than my skin doctor. This is the fellow that I go to twice annually for a skin cancer check, the same who has wielded a canister of liquid nitrogen above my quivering skin, on occasions. He is a good doctor and I have asked him many specialised medical questions and seriously, he seems to know everything. He is a polymath and also, I found out only today, a poet too.

In fact we spent most of the consultation discussing poetry and he produced a volume of verse, which he kindly presented to me. How many doctors do you know who whip out their Collected Verse after a physical examination? I know of no other. He claims as an influence, Charles Bukowski, a German/American poet and novelist but I suspect the voice in his work is entirely his own.

Here is a short one.


Let me survey
Your every boundary
Line nook and cranny

Lets compare plots

These crazy properties
Of our love

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