Thursday, November 16, 2023

I don't know if its a matter of my own incompetence, or an issue with the brakes and weight ratios on my bike, but I came off my bike this morning and took chunks of skin off elbows and knees. I had had to brake sharply at a modest speed (about 15kms) because of a car coming around a blind spot near an underpass. It was no-ones fault but the bike came away suddenly from under me and I lay crumpled on the ground. It is hard to explain what happened except in terms of the brakes being wildly out of kilter and the bike itself having a fundamental design flaw regarding the wheel base and distribution of weight . Or I am just hopeless!

I had read somewhere that smaller size e-bikes did have a propensity for being unstable under certain conditions and this may be a case in point. My only defence against it is constant vigilance and caution, something that would likely take the joy out of riding. Maybe I'll have to consider a larger bike in the future.

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