Thursday, May 30, 2024

 It is little wonder that many people retreat into a world of personal concerns when the wider world seems so grim. Attending more closely to matters of family and friends, houses, shopping and holidays is probably easier than dwelling on the the wars in Europe and the Middle East, the potential for war in East Asia, the threat of climate change - well , I could go on. Good news is in short supply, while cute dog and cat videos abound.

It is emotionally wearying to focus on the relentless cycle of awful news with the knowledge that more is to come, going on endlessly into the future. There are, of course, people who take an interest in current affairs - some of them are camped on university lawns as I speak - but is not necessarily a balanced interest. Balance seems to be out at the moment.

I'm not sure where its all heading but I continue to hope that adults are still in charge and that, despite appearances, they are talking to each other.

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