Friday, December 06, 2024

I haven't had much chance to pick up my guitar in a while. It's not because I don't enjoy playing and singing, but that I am tired of the selection of songs I have collected over the years. Many date from my time playing at the Anglicare Café in Mt Druitt. A lot of those songs had to be fit to purpose, ones that everybody knew, that I was able to adapt to my level and that created the right ambience for a busy environment.

I have downloaded a few songbooks that sundry kind souls have put together and the usual suspects crop up time and again - Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkle, James Taylor and so forth, all great song writers but perhaps too often heard to interest me.

I think the problem is probably laziness. When I had the café gig I was constantly looking for new material to make the repertoire larger, which was a weekly chore. I don't want to sing in a café again - that is out of my system - but I would like to sing joyfully at home. 

So I had better make the effort.

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