Tuesday, April 05, 2011

of books and daylight endings

Started on a 'new' self-help book, Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. Actually, it's 20 years old and rather a best seller. Like most books in this genre (and this isn't necessarily a criticism) the advice seems obvious at first glance. Sometimes it can border on trite, the kind of writing that compels one to say, almost aloud, "Well, of course. I know that already!"

But that isn't the whole of it or even especially important. The best books in this field emerge from an intersection of expertise and experience and also an ability to construct a believable narrative. If the advice within them seems obvious then it may well be because of the psychological and experiential truths that the author is revealing. At the very least, the Jeffers book is likely to be helpful.

On another note, it's much darker in the evening now since daylight saving ended on the weekend. As if bidden by the changing of the clocks, gloomy weather has set in with grey skies, rain and much cooler temperatures. Tom has a cold and there are tissues throughout the house. He is not well trained at using them and so we are acquiring paper mountains.

april showers are
dancing on our roof,
dark beaded joy

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