Thursday, December 27, 2012

A friend of mine suggested a gratitude journal, especially when things are going the wrong way. I wonder how one would look, this late in the evening of 2012?

Well I'm thankful that I was actually married to Nadia. Thankful for 14 years shared, which included some terribly dramatic moments and some especially wonderful ones. The birth of our son, Tom. The years spent living in Japan. The camping trips, the building of a house together, the music, singing and performance events. The hanging out.

This year I'm grateful that I had a roof over my head, a car to drive, an income and a fantastic place to work. Yes, thank you Anglicare. You sustained me, encouraged me, supported me in ways that you could not begin to guess at. My contribution was nothing compared to what was received. I cannot quantify it. You have no idea how blessed I feel.

And it was Anglicare, in ways unseen and unknown to human understanding, that pushed me back towards God. This is an ongoing journey, lifelong, but I will not forsake it, just as God will not forsake me. I understand life's journey better and even though there have been some very tough moments this year, especially recently, there has always been God.

I have made new friends, joined a great new choir and become closer to people whom I thought I might never. This is the strange flip-side of personal disaster. If you look, if you reach out, take a few risks, stuff happens. Not all of it good. Strangely though, it is possible to be grateful for it all.

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