Friday, February 15, 2013

Well, it's starting to look like the rose cupboard is going to be bare this year. Allowing for the last minute delivery, which seems very remote from this standpoint, I will just have to wait until a fresh blooming of love in the future. That love that I alluded to briefly in my last post.

One might think that after a number of relationships and one marriage, I should have tired of the whole process of falling in love. But no, I find that, with over 12 months having passed since the end of my marriage, I am very open to whatever might be. By which, I don't mean just anything for the sake of it. Rather, something desirable, mutual and enduring.

I am not really comfortable on the dating scene (whatever that is), though I've had a couple of dates recently. In the past I have been accustomed to relationships falling from the sky. And the proverbial tap on the shoulder. That's made it all too easy for me. Maybe I have to face the chasm of rejection and know that I can bounce back. There is no joy without some attendant risk.

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