Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My April 25th post showed Memory Park in Hazelbrook as it was around the time of the Great War or a little after. The park used to accommodate a commemorative war memorial - hence the name of the park - but the latter was moved to Gloria Park in the 1990's because of the proposed widening of the Great Western Highway. The park fell into a very poor state until its recent dramatic redesign in 2014.

Just how different Memory Park is can be seen in the following photo which I took a few days ago. I am guessing that I have taken it from a similar vantage point to those posted earlier, but such are the changes wrought over the past 90 years (the park is much smaller and narrower due to ever-encroaching roadworks) that it was a tough judgement call. Also noteworthy is the relatively new pedestrian bridge to Hazelbrook Station which took the place of a zebra crossing and the more recent traffic lights.

Memory Park has taken a battering over the course of the 20th century and it's current iteration may well do it for another century. Maybe we will reach another high water-mark of civic pride such as was evident a hundred years ago, though I am doubtful. That generation and the one following had a different way of expressing the notion of the common good and the concomitant duties that flowed from that understanding. I fancy that we shall not see the like again. I'm happy to proven wrong though.

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