Saturday, December 19, 2015

We've has hot weather lately - bright days and long, sweaty nights - and today and tomorrow promise more of the same. Later this afternoon Moo Choir (in which group I am a tenor) will sing a round of carols on an oval at Warrimoo. It is our final show for the year.

I have long since finished the Christmas shopping though the thought of a cool shopping mall, even with thousands of shoppers, is quite appealing. Ann is in Parramatta today chancing the Westfield's crowds though she went with ample warning. Tom and I are soaking up the steamy heat in various parts of the house. Fibro is no friend to insulation from hot or cold and it's invention and application is something of a mystery, at least for building houses in the Australian climate.

Just now I heard the looping bleep of the RFS Santa truck which is wending its way through the streets of Hazelbrook. Tom has told me that he is too big now for the annual receipt of Christmas cheer and accompanying lolly pop from a sweltering Santa. Fair enough.

He is growing up.

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