Sunday, October 09, 2016

The latest revelations about Donald Trump come as no surprise, though one might have expected them to emerge earlier, such as during the Republican Primaries. Trump's imprudent (surely sexist, vile, borderline-criminal -ed.) remarks in a hot-mike moment some 11 years ago reveal nothing new about the character of the man. He has been touting his flawed credentials for decades now and thus far he has blustered his way through a Presidential campaign.

It's amazing really that there are still 40% of voting Americans who are prepared to stay with him to this point and beyond, a fact that speaks volumes to the kind of anger, disillusionment, and perhaps plain wrong-headedness of some folks. The story of Trump has the sense of Greek Tragedy about it, with the central character striving for illusory greatness despite a massive character flaw. As the protagonist rants before the audience, the Chorus chants darkly about the approach of news that will strike him down. Or maybe it would make a better musical, with big numbers and a chorus of dancing girls. I can see Trump emerging down a marble staircase in a spangly jacket singing Grab That Pussy.

Today's 538 Podcast was just hilarious, Trump being the inevitable topic du jour. The aforementioned foursome are some of the brightest and wittiest folks I have encountered in the world of podcasting, a much-needed tonic to the sorry exploits of one of their countrymen.

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