Sunday, November 13, 2016

Without labouring the point about things Trump (the point is definitely laboured -ed.) it occurred to me that Trump is less like a modern dictator, though he is undoubtedly demagogic, and somewhat more like a corrupt Pope.

Consider Rodrigo Borgia, who became Alexander V1 in 1492. An outsider (from Spain), he had a number of illegitimate children whom he later promoted shamelessly. His reign is associated with gross nepotism, deceit, immorality and quite possibly the assassination of rivals. Trump doesn't have the latitude in the modern era to emulate Alexander, but he has qualities and opportunities that might be Borgia-like. Trump is a kind of outsider himself and is fulsome in promoting his children and close associates; he will wield significant power over appointments and can veto any legislation that comes to him from the Congress.

A Borgia he may well be.

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