Sunday, August 25, 2019

On Friday I attended a lunch for 2RPH volunteers at the Glebe Town Hall. The latter is a magnificent pile dating from 1880, beautifully restored in 2018. The event itself was delightful, mostly in that I could mingle with people I had not had a chance to meet at the station yet. My shifts on alternate Thursdays and Fridays do not afford much of a chance to meet anyone other than my own team (who are just great!) and sometimes folks from the preceding and following shifts. Of course, I am not there to socialise, but to work, but it's always possible to do both at the same time. Well, usually, anyway.

2RPH has been short of announcers and has recently been trying to promote the idea amongst its somewhat reluctant "reading" cohort. It is understandable really, for the announcer, who is also the producer, needs to master the technical side of running a program (computer, board, timing, crosses, announcing etc) and also allocate reading material to the readers. Those who read only have to read the material they have been given and do not need to worry about how the program is going.

So it was with some trepidation that I put my hand up for training as an announcer. The board and computer are not that difficult, but the combination of other elements make it a challenge for the beginner. I will do a practice session by myself in a week or two and then a real live shift the week following. I think that keep calm and carry on will be the mantra for that program and all that follow.

Friday's luncheon.

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