Tuesday, September 22, 2020

You might have guessed it already, but I'm not a huge fan of a lot of modern architecture. There are some contemporary buildings both large and small that I do like, but many that grace the skylines of cities around the world are dreadful. Inside, they may be comfortable, air-conditioned and bright, nice places to work, no doubt, but nothing can shake off the sheer awfulness of their exterior presence.

Australia has it's fair share of these sky-piecing shards. The CBD's are full of them, all clamouring for attention in the most brazen manner. Beauty is in the eye, yes, but it would take a wrecking ball to improve these pretentious monsters of glass and steel. Razing them to the ground would be a mercy.

Yet, more and more are planned and of an increasingly intrusive height. Soon the urban landscape will be filled with these follies, huge silver fingers jutting from their surrounds. Alas.

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