Thursday, July 08, 2021

Australians, for all their larrikin pedigree, are pretty compliant when it comes to authority. They may whinge about government and complain about the so-called "nanny state", but for the most part, they do as they are told.

So the regulations and restrictions imposed as a result of the Coronavirus have largely been followed to the letter, with only a tiny minority opting for opposition. Even such opposition that there is has been at best rag-tag, poorly-thought-through and incoherent, with no genuine intellectual base. There is a case for personal responsibility within the framework of liberty(in the broadest sense), but it has not been made.

We are left with images of people refusing to wear masks for reasons which they cannot articulate, unevidenced statements and a general irritability at being asked to do something that is mildly inconvenient. Truly, even as an asthmatic myself, it is not hard to wear a mask. It is not that difficult to remain home during lockdowns, even if it is boring. It is pretty easy really not to organise social gatherings either. It requires, at best, a mere skerrick of willpower.

Maybe affluence dilutes character for some people or selfishness is so ingrained that it cannot be overcome. Liberty is important, but not so important that my liberty causes the suffering of others.

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