Thursday, December 30, 2021

My final shift of 2021 at 2RPH is done and dusted. Today I presented the full 90 minute version of the Newcastle Herald, a welcome return after the truncated Covid edition. Live to air is a delicate balance of minimising mistakes, fitting as much in, maintaining a friendly, business-like tone whilst paying close attention to the clock. Blunders are all too frequent and only human, after all, though we all strive for a certain level of professionalism. Dead air is a big no-no.

On the long journey home my train carriage was mostly empty. Even so, I was very surprised and annoyed that the half dozen or so commuters aboard were not wearing masks, never mind the mandate. I have no idea what goes on inside these people's heads - oblivious to the risk, careless of themselves and others, they blithely flout a very reasonable public health stipulation. 

Nor is wearing said mask under the chin the least bit effective.

How did we get out of the stone age?

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