Saturday, July 09, 2022

When I first went to Japan on a work assignment in 2001, Shinzo Abe was a Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary in the government of the flamboyant Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. He rose rapidly from that position to be Secretary General of the LDP, Chief Cabinet Secretary and then Prime Minister in his own right in 2006. He went on to serve again in that role from 2012 to 2020. Yesterday he was shot dead by a gunman whilst campaigning for his party in Nara.

I had an interest in the labyrinthine world of Japanese politics from the beginning of my stay until we departed in 2007. Even before his long and successful stint as PM, Abe was a significant player in the political world, often appearing in news bulletins on NHK or referenced in the daily newspaper that came to our door, The Yomuiri Shimbun. It was no surprise that he went on to dominate his nations political life in the 2010's. He also made a significant contribution to Japan's international standing.

I come from a different place on the spectrum to Shinzo Abe and often disagreed with his positions on issues, both domestic and international. But he did not deserve to be gunned down - shot in the back - and his death is a tragedy for reasonable debate and the democratic order.

It is also a sad thing indeed for his family, friends and nation. A loss, deep and heartfelt, truly.

Rest in Peace Shinzo Abe.

Photo courtesy CNA.

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