Friday, September 08, 2023

Resentment is one of the most corrosive and dangerous of emotions. It can shorten your life, make your actual life a misery and lead to all manner of outbursts, arguments, slander and even murder.

Resentment can come as a result of a real personal affront or injury, or an imaginary one. In many cases, offence is taken where no intention nor knowledge of the fact was known by the 'offender.' But it looms large in the thoughts and emotions of the one offended.

I think the seeds of a resentful nature are sown in childhood, where a unsafe or unloving environment can generate low self-esteem or a fearful world view. The teenage years are particularly unforgiving - kids can be very mean to each other and are quick to punish difference or highlight any weakness. Heaven only knows how much worse it is now as a result of that benighted influence of social media.

I know resentment first hand and struggle with it often. Writing about it helps, thinking rationally helps and prayer always helps. Ultimately, it is about forgiving, understanding and casting-off that which only harms ourselves and barely touches the perceived offender.

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