Thursday, March 07, 2024

The other night I was scrolling through FB when I came to a science page, one which I am following. That is to say, it purports to be a science page. This post featured a rubbish bin in a hotel room that someone had put a Bible into, with the description, 'Putting out the trash' I couldn't understand such a needless attempt at giving offence or to whom it was directed. But it has nothing to do with science, with professes to have nothing to say about God or Faith.

While I am sure that there are some Christians who post anti-science information on social media (equally silly), most probably live happily with both their faith and what science has to say about the phenomenological universe. For me, these two systems do not need to interact actively, for as the Catholic Catechism says, ' Good theology and good science to not contradict each other.' If I was to draw a Venn diagram, perhaps only a sliver of the two circles would overlap. So I am puzzled by what drives people to pick on the faith of others.

They may have had a bad experience of religion as children or teens. Or they may have an inflated view of the power of science to explain 'everything', which is scientism. Maybe they are just mean-spirited.

Coming back to the Faith after a long absence has equipped me better to handle the usual arguments marshalled against Christianity. Ultimately, faith is faith, a leap in the dark with a view to finding out whether something is true or not. I have found it to be true.

I found it to be true yesterday when I attended the Melanoma Clinic at RPA in Camperdown for surgery. The doctors and staff were fantastic, I cannot praise them enough, but God was there too, reassuring me, calming me, working through processes that I could not see but knew were real and abiding. I cannot prove it but I know it to be true beyond any doubt.

You see, there doesn't need to be any dissonance between God and science. Only thinking makes it so.

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