Wednesday, April 03, 2024

The first anniversary of my program, Writers from the Vault (a literary hurdy-gurdy) is coming up. I am a few months ahead with recordings so it not due for broadcast until July. But there is it - 26 episodes that I would not have dared to even contemplate before I began the show. I allowed myself to get ahead because I was very nervous about the project, which was original from top to bottom, and my capacity to keep it up. Unlike other 2RPH programs, it is not time specific, so I have a lot of leeway in that regard.

Where do I find the material for a broadly-based look at the old literary canon? Well, there are some wonderful archives online (Internet Archive, Trove etc), there are public libraries, there is my own library of books and there are also things that I come across in my daily perusal of newspapers and so forth. I go down an awful lot of rabbit holes and often come up with stuff that I had not been searching for but liked anyway.

And what might a typical program look like? There will always be a couple of poems, a little bio on the authors, an extract from a  novels or short story, a feature article from an old magazine, a letter from a  famous writer, a short review of a book, a monologue from a play, a piece of writing about literature or a writer. Not always of course, since I am constrained by the 30 minutes allotted, but usually all of these are represented.

If you are at all interested in listening to an episode, go to the 2RPH website and find the program guide. We work on a two week cycle.

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