Thursday, June 27, 2024

We have a local cafe with the unusual name of 'Wikileaks'. It's unusual too in that, apart from offering some excellent fare and good coffee, it has an overtly political message. I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise. Until a few days ago, the essential message was to get freedom for Julian Assange. The latter arrived in Australia yesterday, having struck a plea deal with the US Department of Justice.

Whether or not you like Assange or approve of what he did (and there is much conflicting opinion about this) he surely has been punished enough. Self-imposed 'incarceration' in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and then a stint at the pleasure of Her Majesty more than addresses any perceived crimes. The man clearly had the best of motives even if his methods left something to be desired.

Meanwhile, the Wikileaks cafe has changed course following this resounding success. Today the window was plastered with posters to 'free Palestine'. Whatever that means (and the fine print is always worthy of examination), it will be harder than getting their Julian home.

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