Monday, July 29, 2024

It is hard to put into words what a lovely wife I have. I have never had a companion who has been so loving and attentive. I am the sort of man who was brought up to do all the domestic things - cooking, cleaning, washing and so forth, while enjoying all those traditional 'outside' chores as well. 

When Ann came along I noticed all these little things being done for me - turning down the bed, setting out the tea making stuff, creating healthy snacks, the list is extensive and very long. I have never asked nor would ever expect a partner of wife to do anything for me, except perhaps to remain loyal.

Because things get done before I get to them, I tend to focus more on the garden, making and tending the fire and so forth. Sometimes I manage to get to the washing up before it gets done. It's a bit of a race really that I often lose.

It's lucky if you find love and luckier still if it works and stays working.

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