Monday, October 31, 2005

Grunge Boy

I had a birthday a week or so ago (no, you may not ask!), and, being underwhelmed with pressies (not a problem, you understand), I went out and bought a cheap electric guitar and a heavily discounted distortion pedal/box. Yes, the weddings coming up and everything and there's not much left in the kittie, but I've wanted to play electric for a long time now. Even though I'm really just a chronic strummer, there's something at least moderately pleasant about about making a lot of noise (there is nothing pleasant! - downwind neighbour). Maybe one day I'll even learn to do something a little fancy, though I'm somewhat of a clutz.

As for the wedding, well, as best I can see, it's set just to happen, if you get my drift. Various things like a marquee and a band are booked and will be payed for, the guests are invited and responding, I have a shirt and trousers and Nadia's dress is under (top secret) construction. The ceremony is minimalist, there will be few formalities, the guests are bringing the food and drink. What is there to worry about? Apparently a lot, because the word wedding conjures up for many people the thought of endless lists of things to do, from the bridesmaids presents to the table decorations. Ha! Not for us!

Though these could be famous last words.......

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