Wednesday, October 05, 2005

That Missing Dr Who Episode

Private Eye produced this cover the week after the September 11 attacks. Reactions were mixed - an inevitable few cancelled their subscriptions; others thought it an apt summary of the Bush Presidency.

A month later a Dr Who episode 'The Twin Towers' was mysteriously pulled from the airwaves before its first broadcast, but a fragment of the script survived........

(Tardis s/fx and appearance of same on board US Airforce One on September 11 2002)

(The Doctor and his assistant, played in a one off by Germaine Greer, exit the Tardis)

Dr: Well, we seem to have landed somewhere in the early 21st century. (Probing with sonic screw-driver) Hmmm, perhaps a jet airliner.
Greer: Lets hope that women are not as oppressed here as they were in the last episode. And honestly, did we have to land in a such a thing. Don't you know that this kind of craft is emblematic of the phallocentric situation. You're just like the rest of them....
Dr: Em, lets have a look around.

(The Dr and Greer explore the plane, finally arriving at the Presidential bedroom)

Dr: Well, well, someone important seems to use this plane. A private bed!
Greer: There's someone under the bed Doctor.
Dr: So there is. I say, why dont you come out?

(A sheepish looking GW Bush emerges from beneath the bed)

GWB: Are you terrorists come to take me away? I have to warn yowl, I have my finger on the newcular button.
Dr: My dear fellow, what are you talking about?
GWB: I command whole armies.
Dr: Yes yes, whatever you say.
GWB: Ma daddy is a rich and powerful man.
Greer: All fathers are rapists, dont you know.
Dr: Yes, but why are you hiding under the bed?
GWB: Look ahm talkin about freedom and choice and a strong America....

(End of script)

Wonder why that didn't get to air?

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