Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Time, Winter, Tom.

Since Christmas, time seems to having been racing by. In a week it will be February (stop stating the bleedin' obvious -ed.) and we will be starting to wind things up here. Presently we don't know just how the story will end. Will the school sell to a happy buyer and go on for another twenty years, or will we close it down? I sincerely hope for the former. We won't see a brass razoo, but both of us hope that something we believe in can continue and that our relationship with Japan can remain strong. After all, its been our second home for a long time now.

Tom is moving through the hai hai phase and is walking with the support of whatever object his hands can grasp. Sometimes these objects lack purchase or grounding and so he discovers, to his discomforture, that gravity is a central force in his life. I can't count the number of times his head has impacted the floor. But he always bounces back.

He has also taken a liking to the keyboard as the picture above attests.

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