Saturday, April 25, 2009


Gaps continue in my blog, gaps that whisper that my entries are weeks apart. I scan the horizon for excuses but find few. Yes, I have been immersed in a new course of study and that is quite consuming mentally. But I know there is still time to write short bits and pieces here. Its just that I haven't.

Two weeks ago on the Easter weekend my choir, Crowd Around, performed informally at the National Folk Festival in Canberra. By informally I mean we didnt have a set venue or spot on the program - we were a bit like minstrels, though without lutes or tambours. I've been a member of the choir for 16 years(!) and we have our highs and lows, both in terms of membership and sound quality. These days we are doing pretty well and we are certainly on a par with the group who toured Japan in 1998. I think that says quite a lot.

Canberra is a big pleasant folky kind of experience and we fitted in in our daggy choral way. In case you're wondering, our repetoire goes beyond the staple of gospel and world music (though, nothing wrong with those!) and extends to some decent pop arrangements. We're becoming more eclectic, which suits me fine. BTW, I notice that my wife has started a blog about the choir, and the link is on the right.

So naturally, I include a shot of one of our open air gigs from the Canberra trip. I don't know the song we are singing, though my course in lip reading will help once I have finished it. Don't watch this space.

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