Tuesday, June 30, 2009

js 38 early shots at Mukogaoka

Nadia found an old disc with the title, 'Japan Photos', the other day. Inside we found some photos taken on Stephanie's digital camera (very people had them in those days) dating back to September 2001. So when these were taken, we had really only recently arrived and were probably still settling in, having started work in July.

It's interesting (for us, anyway) how empty the house seemed back then. We hadn't yet bought the red futon sofa, the classroom was devoid of display and decoration, and we still had the old Daihatsu Mira. Nadia's dad's old laptop was our only PC. In fact everything seems eerily familiar yet unfamiliar, as if we hadn't yet put our stamp on the place. And of course, we hadn't, since we still had L-Plates on and the house remained setup much as Duncan and Barbara(the previous teachers) had left it. Things took time and it helped that we had a few '100 Yen' shops nearby.

The pics above include the kitchen (from the lounge room), Nadia and the car outside Stephanie's old house in Tomagaoka, and the classroom.

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