Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have been collecting n-scale Japanese model train odds and ends for a year or two now, principally through two excellent suppliers on ebay. I hit upon an idea to make a diorama of a typically rural(Japanese) scene with a few buildings (a temple, farm and train station). I knew what it would probably look like, though how to make it seemed a tougher ask.

So now I am thinking about a plywood base, simple paper mache mountains with pine trees, painted roads and grass matting. All this is helped by the fact that the little model structures I have bought are pre-painted and only require clipping together. I have Kato Unitrack for the JR 113 series train(see link below), with a buffer to show that it ain't going nowhere. And little n-scale people, some in kimonos.

Might end up being a mess, or a masterpiece, though likely somewhere in between. The talk of it is starting to drive Nadia mad so I had better get on with it. Just waiting for a few little bits and pieces to arrive....

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