Thursday, January 07, 2016

It is exhaustively documented here and elsewhere that my life and work in Japan was a peak experience for me. Now and then I come across a photo or two that was misplaced over time and today I publish two such specimens.

One of my many tasks whilst working in Sanda was to drive upcountry every Friday to teach adults at a community centre. Nishiki was that place and initially I had three graded classes. The beginners class (in the first photo) wanted to use textbooks for our classes, which was fine by me, though I usually insisted that we have a large oral component to every class. They were kind, delightful and often hilarious and truly I miss these decent people.

The other photo was a long-time student and later friend at our Sanda evening classes - Akiko - and this snap shows us together after a delightful dinner at her parent's house. Doubtless I drank too much beer and sake!

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