Sunday, September 25, 2016

I may have mentioned that NHK World on my cable network has started broadcasting the highlights of the Grand Sumo Tournament. Such contests last 15 days and the current one is being held in Tokyo. Sumo is an acquired taste but once the spark is ignited, it starts a fire. When I lived in Japan, sumo was a constant late afternoon companion, with the top division (Makuuchi) being an especial treat.

Since that time many wrestlers (rikishi) have retired and a new crop are on the scene, though I recognised Hakuho and Harumafuji as two standouts from the past, who are still dominating in the present. But this tournament has gone, somewhat surprisingly, to Osaka native and ozeki Goeido, who is at 14-0 after defeating Tamawashi today. His first Emperor's Cup!

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