Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I have been happily watching videos on simulation theory recently, a speculative exercise that tweaks both the imagination and the mind. In case you are wondering what I mean by simulation theory, it is the idea that our lives and this universe are a simulation in the computer of a vastly superior race of beings. A simulation imitates the appearance of the real and in this particular case, the simulation is so real that we have consciousness, autonomy and agency within our lives. The game, or perhaps I should say, program, is seamless.

This kind of thing understandably excites quite a few people and I noted a number of respondents to articles and videos who were absolutely convinced that we are living in a simulation. That a simulation on this scale is possible has many adherents but that does not make it likely. Firstly, simulation theory is unfalsifiable - it cannot be proven or disproven - hence my earlier reference to it being speculative. Secondly, it relies on a super-race of beings having evolved, having survived all the potential disasters that might have knocked it out. Just look at our own example, humanity poised at a critical juncture between going further into an increasingly technological future, or biting the dust pretty soon. Climate change alone might saddle up all four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Ah, critics might reply, if this is a simulation then it is only one of many millions that might be run, each with its own set of rules (natural laws, initial conditions etc). So you can't base your speculations upon this one experiment. We end up, dear reader, in a hall of mirrors which stretches in all directions. It's a jolly place for a chat and a laugh, but life will go on, simulation or not.

A step in the right direction?

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