Saturday, May 18, 2019

There are times of great political moment and there are others best described as business as usual. In Australia one such moment was the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972. Another was the election of the Hawke Government in 1983. Today might be another, depending on the outcome and the capacity of a new government to effectively govern. Australia's recent past has seen a lot of political instability because of the ascent of minor parties in the Senate.

I note also with sadness the passing of R.J. Hawke, who was Prime Minister of a Labor Government from 1983 to 1991. While not as radical as the Labor Administration that preceded it, it proved to be highly competent and capable of necessary reform. In between times and beyond we have had doses of conservative governments, whose blathering rhetoric is matched by an underwhelming performance.

Today I took Ann and JJ up to the local primary school so they could witness their first Australian election together from the perspective of the voting public. We bought a tray of scout-made cakes and they viewed with amusement the democracy sausage, a necessary element in an egalitarian rite such as an election, surely. There is always a bit of a carnival atmosphere too and a good-natured banter amongst the party spruikers, for the most part.

Let us hope for a fair outcome tonight for our fair land.

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