Monday, March 09, 2020

I don't play many games online. I enjoy Scrabble and other word games, but not the kind where you shoot folks up. Back in the days of Windows 95 when I first connected to the internet, I was given a couple of games on CD-ROM which could be loaded onto the PC. One of them was Doom, a game which drew me in initially but in a way that I didn't like. So much for that, I thought.

But I do occasionally play arcade style games and my favourite over the past 12 months has been Cookie Cats Pop. There is a lot of good hand-eye stuff happening and I don't get drawn in or scared silly. It is just a pleasant distraction though I can get a little competitive with myself. Most recently I topped a sub-tournament and took a screenshot of the final results.

Take that whipper-snappers!

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