Monday, March 23, 2020

With everything shutting down or about to be shut down, I grabbed my last chance for a swim at Katoomba this morning. Mind you, I was only just in time as the swim centre was scheduled for closing at midday. The outside temperature was a mere 11 degrees, a little cool for March, but the pool was magnificent, the steam rising from the calm, tepid water. It is hard to know when these kinds of facilities might open again. I don't detect a clear logic in the way matters are being handled, as most governments were caught out by the speed of the spread of the virus and are playing catch-up. I hope that I am not still writing about shuttered premises in a years time.

Perhaps this unusual interregnum from the everyday and the business-as-usual will give people the chance to reflect upon what is important in life. The modern economy, propelled by the hubris of capitalism triumphant, has not made folks lives measurably happier. There is more stuff and lots more information - access to resources that my grandparents would have thought unbelievable - and yet....

So much choice but so little meaningful choice. This could be an opportunity to cull the excess. Freed from the trivial and instantaneous, perhaps a little more sceptical of the material, there might be a space for genuine reflection.

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