Monday, September 27, 2021

The autumn Grand Sumo Tourney has just finished. The new Yokozuna, Terunofuji, about whom I have written before, won The Emperor's Cup, 13-2, this being his fifth time. He was consistent and dominant, save for two defeats to determined rikishi.

The only other Yokozuna, Hakuho, was side-lined by a Covid case at his heya (the place he lives and trains). There are rumours which are yet to be confirmed that he will retire in order to become a stable master, or oyataka. If so, it will be the end of a truly remarkable era - the most successful wrestler in sumo history.

And while on the topic of sumo, a slight digression into the wings, if I may. For a number of the basho over the past year I have noticed a lady sitting close to the front row. Sometimes she is there, in pretty much the same place, every day. I don't know why she came to my attention - perhaps its her beautifully upright posture or elegant demeanour. But she is a regular feature, always in camera view, and clearly a big sumo fan.

Far enough away not be be clobbered. Just to the right of the referee (gyoji).

Incidentally, if you are new to sumo, the photo above shows the moment just before the bout begins. For a bout to begin, both wrestlers show their consent to do so by placing both hands on the clay. The wrestler on the right (above) has his hands down, but the bout will not start until the one of the left does so too. From that moment we have the clash (tachiai), a collision of two powerful rikishi. A false start (consent is not clearly shown by both men) is decided by the gyoji. This is called a matta and the bout must be restarted.

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