Sunday, September 19, 2021

Yesterday Ann and JJ officially became Australian citizens. Due to Covid restrictions, the ceremony (twice postponed) was held via zoom at home. It was a pity because the proposed venue at Springwood, a large modern theatre space with plenty of atmosphere, was the original site for the proceedings. As I said to Ann, it would have had more gravitas and pomp had it been held there, something missing from a computer screen. Still, the Blue Mountains City Council did a wonderful job of hosting the event and making people feel welcome.

This just about ends most of my dealings with Australian Governments concerning residency and citizenship. It has been one of those long roads which I sometimes drove blind, not being sure if I was doing the right thing, whether I had the proper form, the right answers or even the best and most correct information. Since it is in my nature to second guess most situations in life, I found the route perplexing at times, especially when what was asked for was unclear or seemingly contradictory. Choosing not to use an immigration agent saved money, but if I added up the number of hours I put in and did an hourly rate estimate, I would have been paying myself pennies. It was an experience though, not be forgotten.

The new Aussies. I'm very proud of both of them.

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