Wednesday, June 08, 2022

 I am both puzzled and impatient at the lack of knowledge about National Socialism and Nazism in general. Outside of some weird redoubt in the backwoods of America, or perhaps an underground venue in Munich, it seemed incredibly unlikely that folks would find anything attractive about Nazi ideology or symbolism just a few decades ago. I can't imagine anyone posing as a proto-Nazi when I was at school - after all - we hadn't long fought a world war to rid us of this pestilence - and there was information aplenty about the Holocaust and allied crackpot material from Hitler and his ghastly cronies. Not that I am being in any way ad hominem, you understand.

So it comes as a surprise, though a pleasant one, to find that the Victorian Government has legislation in the pipeline to ban the swastika from being displayed publicly. It is a shame indeed that there is even a need for this kind of parliamentary intervention, but there you are. 

And to you knuckleheads on the far right who think its fun to commemorate a former dictator's birthday. White supremacy is an oxymoron.

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